Posted on: Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Posted at: 10:05 AM
"Lying Is The Most Fun A Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off"
Is it still me that makes you sweat?
Am I who you think about in bed?
When the lights are dim and your hands are shaking as you're sliding off your dress?
Then think of what you did
And how I hope to God he was worth it.
When the lights are dim and your heart is racing as your fingers touch your skin.
I've got more wit, a better kiss, a hotter touch, a better fuck
Than any boy you'll ever meet, sweetie you had me
Girl I was it, look past the sweat, a better love deserving of
Exchanging body heat in the passenger seat?
No, no, no, you know it will always just be me
Let's get these teen hearts beating. Faster, faster
So testosterone boys and harlequin girls,
Will you dance to this beat, and hold a lover close?
So testosterone boys and harlequin girls,
Will you dance to this beat, and hold a lover close?
So I guess we're back to us, oh cameraman, swing the focus
In case I lost my train of thought, where was it that we last left off?
(Let's pick up, pick up)
Oh now I do recall, we were just getting to the part
Where the shock sets in, and the stomach acid finds a new way to make you get sick.
I hope you didn't expect that you'd get all of the attention.
Now let's not get selfish
Did you really think I’d let you kill this chorus?
Let's get these teen hearts beating. Faster, faster
So testosterone boys and harlequin girls,
Will you dance to this beat, and hold a lover close?
So testosterone boys and harlequin girls,
Will you dance to this beat, and hold a lover close?
Dance to this beat
Dance to this beat
Dance to this beat
Let's get these teen hearts beating. Faster, faster
Let's get these teen hearts beating. Faster
I've got more wit, a better kiss, a hotter touch, a better fuck
Than any boy you'll ever meet, sweetie you had me
Girl I was it, look past the sweat, a better love deserving of
Exchanging body heat in the passenger seat?
No, no, no, you know it will always just be me
Let's get these teen hearts beating. Faster, faster
So testosterone boys and harlequin girls,
Will you dance to this beat, and hold a lover close?
So testosterone boys and harlequin girls,
Will you dance to this beat, and hold a lover close?
So testosterone boys and harlequin girls
Dance to this beat
So testosterone boys and harlequin girls
Dance to this beat
And hold a lover close
Let's get these teen hearts beating. Faster, faster
Let's get these teen hearts beating. Faster..
:: h0nestly.. i l0ve this s0ng.. Panic! at the disco r0cks..
their v0calist brend0n is such a h0ttie..
haHah.. the s0ng is reaLi weird ayt!?..
haHa.. but i l0ve it.. his v0ice is 0h s0 sexy in tHis s0ng...
w0oh0o.. haHa!!.. []
nyaHa.. bwaHa..
a silly questi0n:
is it still me that makes you sweat?
aM i who u think b0ut in bed?!..
haHa.. t0odles..
Posted on:
Posted at: 9:15 AM
g0od m0rnin guys..
sch0oL has been cancelled since yesterday..
until t0dei..
c0z it's raining HARD.. reaLi HARD..
s0 iM kinda feeLin l0w..
i really wanna go to sch0ol n0w.. *sniff*
i miss everyone ryt n0w.. especially jake..
darn it!!.. FUCKIN f0ne!.. our ph0ne is br0ken..
wat a b0omer.. *b0o h0o* an0ther.. *sniff*
life is oh so cruel..
uh.. last saturday.. [juLy 22, 06]
my bezhfren Pao..
was here in our h0use..
i invited her to.. ceLebrate my b0itdei..
kinda late th0ugh.. haHa..
wel.. i've onLy invited one pers0n..
haHa.. and i've aLso invited jake.. bUt he didn't make it c0z..
he was in buLacan..his m0ther punished hiM..
bla blah..
so.. that was a b0omer t0o.. *sigh*
wHen faustine g0t here..
we ate spaghetti.. BBQ.. and t0gether with s0me c0rn..
yea yea..
tHen we keep on laughin whiLe we were eating.. *giggles*
reali FUN th0ugh.. sHe l0oks ad0rable.. [pao]
very cHiLdish.. nyaHa..
then.. we went t0 our r0om..
we played super mario 6... [gamecube]
and then we went t0 r0bins0n.. at ar0und 3...
we watched "the lady in the water"..
newsflash.. the m0vie wasn't scary at all..
M. Night Shayamalan is such a weirdo..
well.. that's wat makes hiM unique..
the st0ri was infact FUNNY..
haha.. such a stupid trailer..
he keeps on fooling the people...
just like his m0vie.. "The Village.."
i th0ught it was really scary..
but hey.. guess wat..
tHat m0vie was FUNNY too..
he has a l0t of crazy ideas..
such a freak!..
bUt then.. i id0lize his creativty..
he has a br0ad iMaginati0n.. *yea ryt..*
haHa.. we ate AGEN after the m0vie..
btw.. the m0vie ended at ar0und 5:10.. we watched it at ar0und.. 3:15..
we ate in Auntie Anne's.. *yuHm.." *munch munch*
s0 yuHmmie..
and then we went h0me.. and played s0me music..
then paO went h0me at ar0und.. 6pm..
then auntie.. and my br0..
went t0 hp..
t0 buy s0me HAMSTERS!!
so i b0ught s0me teddy bear haMsters..
the guy's naMe is.. t0fu.. col0r.. black w/white..
then the gurL's name is p0tchi.. c0l0r.. br0wn w/ white..
weee.. aHihih..
sOoo.. that's ab0ut it..
Posted on: Monday, July 24, 2006
Posted at: 3:31 PM
n0thin speciaL happend on friday..
the g0od thing was.. jake went to school already..
alth0ugh he has a scratch on his face en on his neck..
*sniff* but iM gLad c0z he's happi..
and iM gLad c0z finally he went to sch0ol already!..
w0o0ho.. as you can see..
i have never talked in tagalog... [here in my bl0g]
haHa!!.. s0o awes0me..
jUst wanna practice speakin in engLish..
heHe.. i wanna iMpr0ve my engLish skiLLs..
and i wanna read m0re b0oks..
t0 iMpr0ve my writting skills.. and on c0mp0sing s0ngs..
s0metiMes i get to write p0ems and s0ngs based on..
wat i feel or.. the situati0n im g0ing thr0ugh..
or in sh0rt.. based on experience..
uh.. all we ever did in dance club was..
we watched y0u've g0t served and Shall we Dance..
kinda.. b0ring.. c0z i've seen it already..
and during our sc0uting time..
still.. it was b0ring.. very lame..
they even assigned me as the leader in that freakin excersise
in our camp in this c0ming september..
EWWWW they're g0nna pay me f0r that!!..
darn.. uh.. jake went h0me earLy.. haish..
and disMissal tiMe was partially okay..
bc0z of the fact that i miss jake..
the side effect was.. i went CRAZY.. ballistic..
WILD?!.. haha.. i was with kuya n0el.. pao..
ate patty.. kaMille and migz...
b0i.. was i acting chiLdish or wat..
i keep on bugging theM.. screaMing..
making FUNNY faces.. w0oahh..
FREAKY.. well.. it was fun th0ugh..
s0 that's ab0ut it..
shattered@12:31 AM
Posted on: Sunday, July 23, 2006
Posted at: 8:19 PM
uH.. hi!.. w0w.. i havent updated my bLog since the
cOoking c0mpetiti0n.. [wednesday]
weLL to start things off..
uh.. juLy 19, 2006 was oUr c0oking competiti0n..
juLy 18 was the fResHies c0oking c0mpetiti0n..
and on 20... it's the juni0rs c0oking c0mpetiti0n..
they rOck!..
haHa.. and we did a gReat j0b..
kinda tiRing th0ugh..
bUt it was w0rth it..
i've aLways wanted to be a cHef..
i've been pLanning to take cuLinary arts f0r my c0urse..
saMe with r0bert0 HuTch...
weLL.. i was FEELIN.. overwHeLmed..
wHen the judges came.. they were alm0st eating all our f0ods..
we were the "center of attention..."
n0t t0 b0ast or anytHin bUt that's the truth..
w0oh0o... SUCKERS!!
the others had a nice idea t0o..
nika's gr0up was m0re on japan styLe..
and the others was.. aMerican and fiLipino style..
and oUrs was.. m0re on the native styLe..
tHey said that oUrs was g0od bc0z of the presentati0n of the f0od..
and aLso bc0z of the YUMMINESS of the FOOD!!.. w0o..
haHa.. uH..
juLy 20...
jake was absent.. so my life was such a c0mplete SHIT..
haHa.. i feeL so inc0mplete..
i MISS hiM sO MUCH..
and oh.. yes..
carLo finaLLy admitted that he has a crush on me..
take n0te guys.. it's just a crush..
so it's n0t that bad..
he was aLso bLaMing hiMseLf
f0r the cause of jake being absent..
c0z jake went h0me l8 with carLo..
bLa bLa..
Posted on: Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Posted at: 6:35 PM
WAAA..such a h0ttiee!!! w0o0o.. *dr0oling*
j0hhny is such a h0ttie t0o..
nyaHa.. weLL.. i havent updated my bl0g..
iM s0rry gUys.. aHihih..
oH weLL.. uH..
sunDay- juLy 16, 2006
weee.. i was s0o happie..
i went tO oUr cOndO in rObinsOn..
we aLso watched the m0vie pirates of the carribean..
WOW!!!... tHe m0vie is s0o NICE!!..
w0ho0o0o... sOo funny...
i w0uLd l0ve t0 watch it aLL over again..
weLL.. let me jUst sHare to ya their pers0nalities in dah m0vie..
or my c0mments b0ut theM..
OrLando- or wiLLiaM.. HE's SUCH a HOTTIE.. he's my HUSBAND.. nyaHa.. weLL in the m0vie he was m0re on the HERO type..
J0hhny depp- or jack sparrow..w0w.. with0ut j0hhny dah m0vie wiL n0t be that interesting t0 watch... [ in my own opinion ] j0hnny brings Out the m0vie into a coMedy type.. he's reaLi cLever!.. bUt such a tr0uble maker!.. oh weLL.. he's stiL h0t..
keira knightley- or eLizabeth.. sHe's a sMart gurL.. sHe l0ves wiLLiam s0 much... and wow.. such a petite gurL.. sHe's reaLi pretti th0ugh.. and gRr.. oH so SEXY.. nyaha..
that's b0ut it.. nyaha.. iM getting tired..
then we ate in MAX.. i g0t h0me at ar0und 10pm...
m0nday- juLy 17, 2006
yeaH!.. it's mah b0itdei..
weLL this day is speciaL...
tHey reMembered my b0itdei.
they gave me letters and gifts..
but jake's letter was missing..
darn it...
i g0t 2 new b0oks..
the dreaM b0ok and b0ut being a teenager..
weLL.. i said s0mething bad to jake..
and he was kinda upset..
me ang my laMe j0kes..
hAish.. bUt we're finally okei..
then i went tO Harris0n plaza..
and b0ught s0me f0od..
we c0oked s0me pasta...
so YUHMIE...
sOo.. tHats b0ut it... ^____________^
tUesday- juLy 18, 2006
w0w.. iM xcited bec0z t0m. is oUr c0king c0ntest...
Posted on: Saturday, July 15, 2006
Posted at: 9:39 PM
ei0u guys..
d0nt y0u jUst l0ve music?!..
weLL.. i do..
f0r me.. music is my life..
witHout it.. i d0nt tHink i c0uld last l0nger..
music is lyk my drug intake..
it makes me feeL.. BETTER..
music brings me oUt a l0t of eMoti0ns..
and with music.. it makes me cHange my m0od..
oH weLL..
all i ever did todei was talk to jake on the f0ne.. [waah! xo nicee..]
i was supp0se to go to r0b with my cuz..
but i miss jake so much so i said no.
and guess wat.. one day to go and it's mah b0itdei..
yey.. [low t0ne]
im g0ing insane again..
uH.. me and jake talked b0ut a l0t of things..
the past..
[newsflash: we kinda had an arguMent bc0z of s0meone..]
oh well..
i d0nt even wanna tell..
iM gettin tired n0w..
me kinda xLeepy..
*wink wink*
so.. i guess..
i have to end this now..
= cLosing tiMe =
Posted on:
Posted at: 6:21 PM
Much has Been Said
By Bamboo
Much has been said
Said you never leave
Why'd it have to be
Harder than it had to be
Don't you throw blame
You were part of this
Wasn't suppose to end
With us just walking away
So many times we tried
Holding on to the pain but in my baby's eyes I see my shame
Asking why you had to leave
Wasn't I strong enough to make you see
That the biggest part of this it's not about you or me
But just be wrong if we held on
So Maybe tomorrow we'll find
A taste for the old days hard lessons
We've left behind
This mirrors an open door I can barely stand to see myself I don't know what to do anymore
I'm crying out for help
Ohh lord
Much has been said
Will I never learn
Keeping my fingers crossed
Praying for my luck to turn
But I can't complain
I'm living it easy
Job's keeping me busy
Going Crazy
Can't describe the way it felt
When you left said your goodbyes
It just seems crazy for me to think
That I'll find love a second time
But we all know how it all wraps up in the end
Maybe tomorrow we'll find..
Ohh lord..
What am I leaving behind
Sweet how we see the big picture when you're life's not on the line
I know the way but do you see what I see
A tortured life always second guessing the bookie
Pot money on the table thought that was all I had to do
Never came home
Never said a word to you
No one ever said it was going to be easy
Easy start over again this time this time
Let's do it right
Start over again this time this time
Lets keep the fires burning
:: hAish.. i l0ve tHis s0ng s0 much..
baMboo r0cks.. weLL..
it's actuaLi a st0ry b0ut.. breaking up..
learning fr0m the mistakes they made..
and trying t0 h0Ld on agen..
as in.. to xtart all over again..
they may find it hard c0z at the first time tHey didn't w0rk oUt..
bUt tHis s0ng inSpires the people..
tHat.. s0metiMes.. we sh0uld give l0ve a cHance..
a sec0nd chance..
t0 learn fr0m the mistakes..
and to l0ve each other agen..
kinda c0rny ei?..
bUt that's l0ve..
tHis s0ng makes me fiL sad..
sUch a l0nely s0ng..
bUt it's very.. reLaxing..
bye guys..
Posted on: Friday, July 14, 2006
Posted at: 10:23 PM
hAish.. xtiL rainin kinda hard guys..
nice pix ayt?!..
aHihih.. weLL..
iM haPpie!.. c0z cLasses were n0t suspended!..
darn.. but i hate the fact that t0dei is friday..
tHat means.. we're onLy hALf dei..
n0thin special reaLi happend t0dei..
we just had our fLag ceM..
bLa bbLa...
and oH.. uh..
we had our unit evaLuati0n in bio.. [agen!]
and in engLish we discussed b0ut.. writing a c0mp0sit0n..
and the effective ways of writing.. yea yea..
yadda yadda..
durin recess tiMe..
we w0rked on our buLletin b0ard..
we didn't have our enrichMent..
they cLeaned the r0oM..
and i w0rked on the buLLetin b0ard..
weLL.. i was gLad c0z they said that..
i did a g0od j0b..
they said that i was aLm0st the onLi pers0n who finsihed our buLLetin..
me kinda tired th0ugh..
but it was w0rth it..
i was with sir brisky in the library..
we l0oked f0r s0me b0oks with trivia..
s0.. that's alm0st it..
i g0t h0me at ar0und 2:30..
c0z i went t0 teacher j0i's canteen..
i was with carLo.. cHi.. karen.. eLLa..
we talked b0ut.. uh..
being a leader.. stuff.. nyaHa..
then.. weLL.. i g0t sh0cked!
jake and his m0m went here.. they left awhile ag0.. [in my crib]
waHeheh.. me s0 happieee!!
i saw my baby agen..
well during the aftern0on..
i keep on tHinkin b0ut hiM..
darn.. i mish hiM s0o much..
then.. hu c0uld ever iMagine that i w0uld see hiM agen?!..
such a nice opportunity..
iM s0 gLad that cLint0n and i are finaLi okei agen..
me s0 happie t0 bring my beshFren back!..
oh well..
me need t0 xlip n0w..!!
xlp tyt..
ja ne..
Posted on: Thursday, July 13, 2006
Posted at: 9:23 PM
Simple and Clean
Utada Hikaru
You're giving me too many things
Lately you're all I need
You smiled at me and said,
Don't get me wrong I love you
But does that mean I have to meet your father?
When we are older you'll understand
What I meant when I said "No,
I don't think life is quite that simple"
When you walk away
You don't hear me say please
Oh baby, don't go
Simple and clean is the way that you're making me feel tonight
It's hard to let it go
The daily things that keep us all busy
Are confusing me
That's when you came to me and said,
Wish I could prove I love you
But does that mean I have to walk on water?
When we are older you'll understand
It's enough when I say so
And maybe some things are that simple
When you walk away
You don't hear me say please
Oh baby, don't go
Simple and clean is the way that you're making me feel tonight
It's hard to let it go
Hold me
Whatever lies beyond this morning
Is a little later on
Regardless of warnings the future doesn't scare me at all
Nothing's like before
When you walk away
You don't hear me say please
Oh baby, don't go
Simple and clean is the way that you're making me feel tonight
It's hard to let it go
Hold me
Whatever lies beyond this morning
Is a little later on
Regardless of warnings the future doesn't scare me at all
Nothing's like before
Hold me
Whatever lies beyond this morning
Is a little later on
Regardless of warnings the future doesn't scare me at all
Nothing's like before
Posted on: Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Posted at: 9:18 PM
"rain rain go away.. c0me again an0ther day bitchy jizzie wants to.. wtv.."
hAish.. iM feeLin a bit eMo t0dei..
pr0bably it's bc0z 0f the weather..
it's s0o c0ld and.. it's s0 fun t0 listen t0 sad s0ngs and reMinisce then.. cry..
breakd0wn and cry..
i was feeLin s0 l0w t0dei..
weLL.. it was raining hard...
and there were a l0t 0f late students..
s0 carLo was n0t ar0und.. [our president]
s0 with our vice p.. [juLian]
s0 i was the one wh0 handLed the cLass durin bioLogy..
we g0t sh0cked c0z Mrs. Cruz went in the room and she was the one who took over..
g0od tHing Mrs. Abenoha gave us s0me seatw0rk s0 Mrs. Cruz didn't discuss anythin..
she l0oks scary.. but iM n0t scared of her ofc0urse..
durin engLish tiMe we dicussed b0ut the clause thing..
and w0w..
fiLipin0 is s0o interesting t0dei..
we listened t0 a l0t of l0ve s0ngs.. [all tiMe faves]
s0 we were reMiniscin..
we aLso discussed al0t of things b0ut l0ve..
wat d0es l0ve reaLLy mean?!
or wat is love f0r y0u?!
weLL.. f0r me l0ve has a l0t of definit0n..
if y0u tried t0 ask pipoL wat l0ve means f0r theM..
pr0babLy y0u'll get different answers..
ya kn0w..
as in different p0int of view..
based on experience..
err.. we had our math..
we had a seatw0rk..
w0ah.. wait.. my baby d0esn't l0ok s0 happi..
he l0oks lyk he cried and he was reaLi feeLin l0nely..
i w0nder why he's n0t talkin t0 me..
i've been waiting f0r hiM durin recess tiMe..
but he wasnt ar0und.. hAish..
i h0pe he'll teLL me wats wr0ng..
4 days t0 g0 b4 my b0itdei..
uh.. during out T.L.E. we did the tie dye thang..
kinda fun..
well.. it reali sucks bc0z the classes was suspended...
s0 t0dei's class is haLf day onLi...
g0od thing i went upstairs durin lunch tiMe.. [4th fl0or]
i talked to jake and.. oh well..
i tried to.. be cute?!.. haha.. f0r hiM..
s0 that i c0uld make hiM happy s0meh0w..
well.. he keeps on starin at me!..
*meLting!!* weee.. such a sweet and l0vely guy..
uHm.. he smells g0od..
hAish.. weLL.. i went h0me at ar0und 2pm..
thats b0ut it..
it's stil rainin hard..
well buh bye guys.. muah..
Posted on: Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Posted at: 9:22 PM
~Part II~
me back!. .
after our c0mputer tiMe. .
it was oUr lunch break. .
yey. . finaLi. . iM with jake agen. .
wee. . p0or farty b0i. .
leyva keeps on teasing hiM. .
waHaha. .
lian keeps on buggin me. .
darn. . waHaha. .
and there's that stupid chi. .
he is such a bad b0i. .
i never reaLi said that i w0uld t0uch his. .
i w0uLd l0ve t0 kiLL hiM. .
and xtiL. . i keep on singin and dancin. .
w0o0o. .
then. . it was our music tiMe. .
oh s0 b0ring. . waHaha. .
i aLm0st f0rg0t. . there was a sandwich makin c0ntest f0r the eLementary a whiLe ag0. .
the bread sMells g0od!. .
yuMmie. .
a.p tiMe. .
and. . i keep on eatin. . whiLe sir. brisky keeps on discussin!
waHaha. . juLian is s0o discusting!. . he was eating cHicken by wrapping the chicken with the hanky. .
YUCKIE!. . but i w0uld l0ve juLian t0 be my seatmate. . he's reaLi FUNNY. .
t0gether with that freaky r0han. .
r0han keeps on sayin bad w0rds durin arts. .
we keep on laughin and laughin. .
we were makin fun of T. lea. .
such bad people. .
nyaHaha. .
i g0t tired bc0z i wr0te s0methin b0ut pr0per writing chuchu in engLish on the b0ard. .
c0z t. aida was n0t ar0und. .
it was reaLi LONG. . XD
nyaHaha. . such a FUNNY day. . xpecially durin arts tiMe. .
i transfered nx to carLo so we keep on laughin. .
and alm0st all the naughty b0ys were sittin on the back. .
and i was sittin on the back with them so. .
there. . i was one of the pipol hu were j0kin and laughin. .
laughin s0 l0ud. .
y0u kn0w wat guys..
i feeL s0.. overj0yed..
ya kn0w why?!..
weLL.. jake is reaLi sweet t0dei..
he's s0o cute..
he keeps on playing with my face and keeps on taLkin t0 me lyk iM a baby..
aww.. he l0oks s0 ad0rable..
i've never seen hiM lyk that bef0re..
parang nangigigiL xia..
and the way he xMiLes and laugh..
it's lyk i feeL lyk iM reaLi cUte!!!
aHihih... xo nice.. i wish this m0ment w0udn't end..
and guess wat.. he thinks iM a FISH!..
aHhihih... weLL.. i l0ve it wHen he's lyk that t0 me..
s0o sweet.. weeee!! *giggles*
weLL.. g0tta g0 n0w!!!!
tSup! tSup!
Posted on:
Posted at: 11:58 AM
zHup gUys?!. .
weee. . [drUg intake]
haHa. . sUch a lOveLy day!. .
haHa. . hYper me!. .
uhM. . oUr teacher in biO was absent. .
sO we didn't have a quiz. .
YEY!lol. . XD
uhM. . my vOice is reaLi weird t0dei. .
kinda. . PAOS. . waHaha!. . XD
i mizh jake aLready. .
i w0nder wHat's wr0ng with hiM. .
i h0pe he's ok. .
haish. . eniway. .
err. . uh. . we had our picture takin. . f0r the ID. .
and i guess i xtiL l0ok suckish. . as always. . XD
nyaHaha. .
faustine is actin weird in fiLipin0 class. .
sHe's reaLi
FUNNY. . i think sHe has a mem0ry gap!. . LOL. . juz kiddin paOtski. .
x0rry b0ut that my dear. . mMm. .
d0nt y0u jUst l0ve engLish cLass?!. .
weLL i dO!!. .
haHa. . we didn't actuaLi discussed anytHin t0dei. .
c0z we w0rked on our graphing paper thang!. .
dUrin math tiMe. . i didn't listen. .
AGAIN. . g0sh!. .i hate MATH!. . bwaHaha. . all ever did was. .
tickLe eMan. . make fun of hiM and faustine. .
and hey!. . guess wat?!. .
teacHer gretcHen g0t mad at uS c0z we keep on laUghin!. .
haHaha!. . OH SO EVILISH!. . [is there such a w0rd?!. .]
lol. . XD
yey. . we're g0nna make a lantern on T.L.E. .
actuaLi we're n0w on. . Tie Dye. .
x0. . there. . uHm. .
we had our fiLipin0 agen. .
it was our hAppie hoUr so we d0nt discuss anytHin. .
we w0uLd onLy ask questi0ns. . [take note: any questi0ns]
and the whoLe class gets t0 answer it. .
or s0metiMes we w0uLd debate!. .
s0 it was fun. . aHihih. .
ahuh. . weee!!. . sir brisky is s0o0o cute!
he l0oks lyk a d0g!! haHaha. .
every m0ndei we wiLL be with sir brisky f0r b0ut. . 2 and a haLf h0urs. .
oh. . i guess it's. . 3 h0urs!. .
waHh!!. . we have a oraL recitati0n in a.p. .
WAH. . so HARD.. o.0
cant take it anym0re!. . waHaha. .
n0sebLeed!!!. .
haHaha. . 0h!. . i f0rg0t t0 menti0n. .
t0dei is papa juLian's b0itdei!!. .
HaPpiE b0itdei juLian dear!. .
waHaha. .
pipoL are acting iMmature.. AGEN. .
w0osh. .
weLL. . we we're jaMmin in the music r0om. .
pLayin the giutar and singing. . one of my fave tHings t0 d0. .
and yeaH. . they used my freakin hanky t0 wipe that freakin PAINT OFF!!...
darn!. . and lian. . xtiL. . ann0ying. .
he keeps on buMping me and d0in the b0ink thang. .
he keeps on xticking his ass on my b0dy. . EWW!. .
s0o iMmature. .
waHahah. . XD
and there's cHi. .[vincent] hu aLso has a perverted MIND. .
btw. . this might aMaze u guys. .or might be a sh0cking news. .
d0 y0u kn0w that we are the future cast of.. HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL?!. .
haHaha. . juz dreaMin. . weLL. . we keep on singin the s0undtracks in that m0vie!. .
the m0vie is s0 awes0me!. . c0oL cast!. .and w0osh!.. iM sharpay!.
w0o0o!. .
weLL g0tta g0 n0w. .
take care!. .
pizh oUt!. . \m/
Posted on:
Posted at: 11:12 AM
aLoha!. . nyaHaha!. .
t0dei is oUr computer tiMe..
and the teacher's are kinda bz ryt n0w s0. .
they gave us the chance to go onLine. .
so. . here iaM!. .
nyaHah. .
we had our quiz in biO. .
ab0ut that freakin micr0sc0pe. .
nyaha. . LOL. .
XD. .er. . we aLso had our play in fiLipino. .
and my role was. . uh. . uh. .
i was Ms. Danilyn. . darn. . haHa. .
she said that our gr0up and carLo's gr0up was the gr0up she liked. .
YEY!!. . bwaHahah. .
uhM. . math tiMe!. . yey!. .
i listened t0 t. gretch. .
i participated in our seatw0rk. .
c0z finally i underst0od our less0n. .
aHihihi. .
jake l0oks oh s0o hands0me. .
and lian. . keeps on reMinding me that my bdei is near. .
yeah yeah yea. . uh. . 6 days t0 g0 and it's mah b0itdei. .
iM turnin 14!
GOSH!luckily it's n0t 15!. . haHa. . c0z i d0nt wanna gr0w OLD. .
or atleast. . i d0nt wanna have my debut. .
nyaha. . lol. .
migzy l0oks cute!. .
and daryll. . s0 an0yying. .
we taLked b0ut that virgin stuff. .
and i guess he heard us!. . daMn!. .
maybe he'll tell it t0 the teachers. .
i h0pe n0t!. . darn it. .
well. . g0tta g0 n0w. .
i'll c0ntinue this l8er. .
adi0s. .
muah. .
Posted on: Monday, July 10, 2006
Posted at: 10:23 AM
so that is a pix 0f..
...J[i]z and ni[k]a..
weLL.. whiLe i was watcHin the parent trap..
one of my fave m0vies. .
i was taLkin to s0me0ne on the f0ne. .
he was aLso watcHin the parent trap. .
he said tHat. . the rich lindsay. . was ME. .
and the other lindsay was NIKA. .
haHa!. . it's reaLi fuNny c0z nika's my twin s0uL. .
and the otHer lindsay is lyk.. NIKA. . they have a l0t of things in c0mm0n. .
and the rich lindsay.. [that's me..]
weLL.. i just have t0 deal with it and..
oH weLL.. i d0nt wanna give a c0mment.. aHihih..
c0z i d0nt think iM a rich dudette. .
uhm. . b0i. . i l0ve that m0vie s0 much. .
they l0ok s0o cute and pretty indeed. .
reaLi sweet xixtah'z..
weLL.. tata!!
dats it f0r n0w. . ^_____________^
Posted on: Sunday, July 09, 2006
Posted at: 6:49 PM
I feeL so used.. because of you..
Posted on:
Posted at: 6:26 PM
..Hey ya..
gOod day guys!..
isnt it a nice pix?!. . [the gurl in a swing]
lOoks l0nely ei?!. .
thats what i fiL. .
gLooMy and loneLy. .
[mOrbid m0de]
hAi. .
jUst kiddin!. .
im reaLi hAppie tOdei. .
aLthoUgh i fiL sO incOmplete. .
i Mizh my baby jakie sOo much. .
weLL.. gOod tHing tOdei's sunday!. .
can't wait tO see hiM agen toMorrow!. .
aHihih. .
uH. . i went tO church tOdei. .
and i bOught a new pair of earrings. .
i did my project in T.L.E. .
the jeweLry box thing. .
OH NO!!.. . i f0rg0t to study fOr bioLogy and HistOry!. .
{[panic m0de]]
waaaHh!!. .
wat to do?!..
darn it..
liFe sucks..
haHa. .
uhM. . i've got a l0t of things in my mind ryt now. .
prOmbLems tOo.. [i guess..]
but iM nOt that probLeMatic. .
aHihih. .
jUst reMiniscin the oLd days. .
hAish. . how fast tiMe fLies. .
8 days to go. .
and iM turnin 14. .
i mizh my oLd beshfrens sOo much. .
wisH i couLd see theM. .
or atleast. . taLk to theM. .
*cry, cry. . *wither, wither *mope, mope *whine, whine. .
eHeHe. .
i think cLintOn is mad at me. .
..[tears fallin]...
i h0pe he's n0t mad at me. .
me and my stupid MOUTH. .
darn it!. agh!. .
eniway. .
i've got a l0t of things to do..
s0 g0tta g0. .
adi0s. .
pizh out.. \m/
Posted on: Saturday, July 08, 2006
Posted at: 9:49 PM
Be My Last
-Utada Hikaru
Kaasan doushite sodateta monomade
Jibun de kowasanakya
Naranai hi ga kuru no
Barabara ni natta koraaju
Suterarenai no wa
Nani mo tsunagenai de
Kimi no te tsunaida toki datte
Be my last, be my last, be my last
Be my last, douka kimi ga, be my last
Narenai doushide
Yoku ganbatta ne
Machigatta koi wo shitakedo
Machigaide wanakatta..
+ waHa. . ei0u. . tHis is my first bLog entry..
nOthin speciaL reaLi happend tOdei..
i had a new friend..
her naMe is.. carLa..
sistah of mah new bhez r0bertO..
i hOpe ur all ok. .
well.. iM okie!. .
sO far. .
i'M feeLin kinda glee. .
aLthough. .
iM kinda sick. .
and i've got a lot of things to do. .
darn. .
i mizh everyone ryt now..
9 days to go b4 my b0tdei!..
uHm. .
let me tel ya s0methin b0ut my fave s0ng..
"Be My last..
obvi0usly.. it's a japanese s0ng..
it's all b0ut..
last l0ve..
i guess..
waHa.. i l0ve the s0ng s0o0 much..
and i l0ve hikkie!..
wee.. weLL..
gotta go guys..
take care..
pizh out.. \m/